Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Sound Effects

"Sound effects play an important role in conveying action. Music helps express emotion." Michael Geiser
From a viewers point we only have to view certain cartoons or programmes to feel the full force of sound effects. Linked directly to the quote above, music and specific sounds can portray various emotions and we react quite often get a detailed picture of a scene from the tone of sound we hear.  Not only in animation is sound important it plays a part in everyday life. Ric Viers in the Importance of Sound Effects (2012) highlights that the main goal of sound effects is to help tell a story and that we barely recognise sounds unless there is no sound displayed at all or if the sound effect is inaccurate or inappropriate.

For me, viewers are far more likely to be able to gain an accurate image of what is happening with just sound and no image rather than no sound but witnessing events. Below is a short clip of a favourite film of mine, if you have already seen it then you may understand the story but try and listen without sound first and see if you can understand what is happening.


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