Thursday, 29 January 2015

Evaluation of Animation

Living Together in Peace
Having watched the rest of the groups animations possibly the one that gripped me the most was Living Together in Peace by Holli Davies. This animation tied in closely to the recent event in Paris (Je Suis Charlie) and the animation effectively illustrated this. Although the animation told a clear story, as a viewer it was simplistic to watch with good use of sound effects.

A particularly well executed skill of Holli's animation is in the title. The use of hands is very difficult in stop-motion but throughout the title of the animation Holli does this professionally without any errors. Our world today witnesses many events similar to what happened in Paris and the animation tries to highlight that why on Planet Earth can't we live in peace. The animation is emotionally engaging and whilst watching it opened my mind to other world conflicts not only 'Je Suis Charlie'.

The simple stick men are used appropriately during the animation and the idea of using the French flag is great use of creativity. Its obvious that good effort has been displayed throughout and as the work has been completed solely by Holli it is far more difficult than working as part of a group. Looking technically at the animation it displays great use of music, clear lighting throughout and  creative elements from start to finish!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Animation Project

 My Stop-Motion Animation

Having completed the module we are now able to use our new creative skills in order to complete our own animations. Having used Zu3D in lectures this proved to be the easiest application to construct our animations however there was many other skills needed in order to produce an effective animation. Working alongside a fellow student (Emma Moriarty) we come up with the idea of using clay models to illustrate how the rapid advancement in technology may eventually result in the loss of jobs for many individuals. We tried to use three characters in the animation; two clay human models and one robot who's duty was to take the jobs of our other two humans.

The manufacturing of the clay models was perhaps the most difficult task for us as a group. Having looked at various clips on YouTube for advice it became a time consuming task to eventually come up with the two workers. However, as the robot was a square shape and was more a stiff figure it proved to be far easier and used a cutting tool to ensure the shape looked accurate. Alongside the creation of our models it was beneficial if we discussed what settings we will use. Using both of our ideas and communicating we decided that it would look effective to gather backgrounds from the internet rather manufacturing our own backgrounds.

The main conflict in the animation is the one of the workers losing their job as a result of technology. This conflict is unfortunately not resolved and this is supposed to reflect the way that society is going today. There may be a time whereby robots are created in order to carry out tasks in quicker times than humans which can be cost beneficial to companies. In order to try and illustrate the two different work environments it was important to gather appropriate background sound effects. Originally we intended on narrating the animation but as we progressed we seen how difficult a task this was and opted to use the background noise of an office and a factory. Both sound effects directly link to the locations the animations are set in but we did find cropping the sounds to the length of the scene very frustrating on Zu3D. Luckily adding the sounds were at the latter of the project so we were okay for time.
Having now completed the animation me and Emma discussed what we would have done differently or what we could improve in future projects. Personally I believe we didn't storyboard effectively which left us having difficulties when filming the animation. Storyboards can be invaluable if you are working as a group as a well structured storyboard allows each group member to have a clear idea of the goal (Serif, 2012).  
Overall, I am pleased with how the animation turned out as for numerous hours me and Emma laughed at our efforts claiming highlighting our lack of creativity! Although it was very time consuming it was a thoroughly enjoyable project. Below is our final animation!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

What is BETT?

The Bett show is the world's leading technology event and took place in London January 2015. The event hosts the worlds most innovative technology which has inspired education for over 30 years. Highlighted in Bett are summits which include providing school leaders of ways to adapt to the ever evolving education space and also there is a summit of Higher Education specialist to share their new ideas.
I2i Events state, "Across five theatres, the Learn Live series will immerse visitors in teaching techniques, learning strategies and implementing technology, through seminars, workshops and demonstrations." 

Read more:

Exhibitors are given the chance to display their work to educators worldwide opening a platform for growth and success. Exhibitors will have many benefits as a result of advertising their ideas at Bett including; immediate feedback from peers; the work will be published on the website which attracts over 470,000 readers; open new market opportunities and also the chance to be alongside the world's leading players such as Google and Samsung.

For me, events such as Bett are needed regular as the World struggles to keep up with the constant changes in demand. Educators must be aware of the growth in technology and the impact that it can have on a child or in some cases on adult's learning experiences. Bett doesn't only work by presentations and exhibitors are given numerous ways to highlight your idea.
Bett are already opening offers to stands at the 2016 Exhibition and no doubt the event is continuing to attract a wide range of institutes.

ICT has played a key role in my education growing up and I have seen the rapid advancement in applications from primary school to my current position in University. An ICT rich environment allows learners to get to grips with current technology allowing room for exploration and use of own ideas. ICT can also produce a wide range of results leading to students being able to collaborate and discuss what they have found. Many students will find the use of IT a far more engaging way of learning as they are constantly involved in the learning experience. If the children are giving the choice to create their own learning and options to explore they will enjoy their education. Inevitably, the use of technology may lead to increased decision making for learners and can enhance learning opportunities as a result of learning by doing.

Who knows what technology we will be using to learn in 10 years time!!!